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n (pej sl)Kriegsdienstverweigerer m, → Drückeberger m (pej inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Florida residents like Jamison Weeks, general manager at Conchy Joe's Seafood in Port St.
They fitted the bird--a young male they named Conchy after the Conch Republic, a nickname for the Florida Keys--with a satellite transmitter to track his whereabouts, but when they were about to let him go, state wildlife officials stopped them, saying flamingos were not native to Florida.
A hev gorra bairn an a hev gorra wife an a cannot see me bairn or wife workin in the night so go way mr doleman av got something else ti do than spen me daylight hours workin for thou This "song for dole wallahs," from High on the Walls (1968), Pickard's first volume of poetry, was written at a time when he lived as a "work conchy," by his own description--a "conscientious objector" to the forms of labor available to him as a young man marginalized by the depressed postwar economy of the industrial North.
Captains Rob and Melissa Harris of Got TA Go Charters and owners of Conchy Joe's Marine and Tackle in Key West have been tagging dolphin for Don Hammond since the Dolphin Research Program started in 2002.
We don't want a miserable 'conchy' with cold feet and a long drip drooping on the end of his nose - counting pennies by night in the conservatory, as the weary flame from a candle flickers on his mean features and a distant owl hunches on a gnarled branch.
Contempt for the home front is perhaps surprisingly muted in the language of the glossary: "conchy" (presumably applied to the British) and "deep thinker" appear, and there are a few other terms for those who arrived late in the war ("Noah's doves", "rainbows", "Nat Goulds") but they are not particularly pejorative.
The Breakers, the Biltmore, the Clewiston Inn, Dolphin Bar, Half Moon Beach Club, the Don CeSar, Boot Hill Saloon, Conchy Joe's, Sloppy Joe's, Palma Ceia Country Club, the Riviera Beach Crab Pot, Ron Jon Surf Shop, Cocoa Beach Pier, the Flora-Bama Lounge, the News Cafe, the Anna Maria Oyster Bar, the No Name Pub, Sugar Loaf Lodge.
Moreover, Chile still represents a force here with Conchy Toro, Cousino Macul, and Errazuriz.