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At the University of Minnesota, researchers are using dried corn stalks as their experimental biomass fuel for a gasification process that partially combusts the material, but does not cause it to fully burn--cutting down on emissions.
Automobile makers use a complex array of moving parts -- valves, rocker arms and rods -- to make the powerful "four-cycle" engine, which combusts fuel on every fourth stroke of each piston.
And someone spontaneously combusts in it, so come on, that's what you want in any novel.
If heated to these temperatures in the presence of oxygen, the carbon fully combusts, resulting in a fine particle of ash instead of coke.
A correct flux practice of an appropriate 100 lb addition of flux combusts 160 lb of metallics and returns 1693 lb aluminum alloy to the melt, leaving 3367 lb of salable dross.
For instance, if your ignition timing is very late, you'd have gasoline getting pushed into the exhaust system without first being combusted. Then, what happens is that the gasoline combusts inside the catalytic converter.