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 (klôg, klŏg)
1. An obstruction or hindrance.
2. A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
3. A heavy, traditionally wooden-soled shoe.
v. clogged, clog·ging, clogs
1. To obstruct movement on or in; block up: Heavy traffic clogged the freeways.
2. To hamper the function or activity of; impede: "attorneys clogging our courts with actions designed to harass state and local governments" (Roslyn L. Anderson and Patricia L. Irvin).
1. To become obstructed or choked up: The pipes had clogged with rust.
2. To thicken or stick together; clot.
3. To do a clog dance.

[Middle English, block attached to an animal's leg.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.clogged - thickened or coalesced in soft thick lumps (such as clogs or clots); "clotted blood"; "seeds clogged together"
thick - relatively dense in consistency; "thick cream"; "thick soup"; "thick smoke"; "thick fog"
2.clogged - stopped up; clogged up; "clogged pipes"; "clogged up freeways"; "streets choked with traffic"
obstructed - shut off to passage or view or hindered from action; "a partially obstructed passageway"; "an obstructed view"; "justice obstructed is not justice"
3.clogged - loaded with something that hinders motion; "The wings of birds were clogged with ice and snow"-Dryden
encumbered - loaded to excess or impeded by a heavy load; "a summer resort...encumbered with great clapboard-and-stucco hotels"- A.J.Liebling; "a hiker encumbered with a heavy backpack"; "an encumbered estate"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adj (fam) obstruido, bloqueado, tapado (fam)
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Gradually his brain emerged from the clogged clouds, and at last he was enabled to more closely compre- hend himself and circumstance.
It has been said that the whale only breathes through his spout-hole; if it could truthfully be added that his spouts are mixed with water, then I opine we should be furnished with the reason why his sense of smell seems obliterated in him; for the only thing about him that at all answers to his nose is that identical spout-hole; and being so clogged with two elements, it could not be expected to have the power of smelling.
He shed them so thick they kind of clogged up the air, and altogether he shed seventeen suits.
I have known a great deal of the trouble of annuities; for my mother was clogged with the payment of three to old superannuated servants by my father's will, and it is amazing how disagreeable she found it.
The CDRM said the rivers were already clogged with all kinds of waste from the city's commercial district and poblacion.
When I was younger, the solution to a clogged drain was simple: Pick up the phone and call a plumber.
That means annually over 80 million Americans have clogged ear issues (including frequent flyers, cold and allergy sufferers, divers, etc).
He said the flash flood which engulfed parts of KL was in part due to the city's clogged drainage system, caused by development construction works.
Once drainage systems are clogged, persistent clogging is not far off, and costly pipe replacement or drain bypassing almost always follows.
The emitters were considered clogged when their discharge decreased by more than 25% compared with the initial discharge [11-13].
They used a bespoke test cell designed to allow direct viewing of the membrane channel for clogged solids.
In certain tank cleaning applications in the food and beverage industry a common problem can be clogged tank cleaning heads.