
(redirected from chillums)


(Recreational Drugs) a short pipe, usually of clay, used esp for smoking cannabis
[C18: from Hindi cilam, from Persian chilam]
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He could not think of moving till his baggage was cleared, or of travelling until he could do so with his chillum. So the Major was forced to wait over that night, and dispatched a letter to his family announcing his arrival, entreating from Jos a promise to write to his own friends.
Into this city flocked the unfortunate in great numbers, lightly clothed, building fires on the streets outside their tarpaper and corrugated-tin shacks, caring for their young haphazardly, brewing up spicy chai, smoking chillums stoked with hashish, sometimes getting drunk on cheap hooch.
And they also liked to fire up their clay chillums, intoning lengthy prayers, ritually raising the chillum up to the crown of the head before taking monster, steamboat-whistle tokes.
The stories travel from this country to the West via the numerous firangs, who find solace in the spiralling smoke from their chillums, while Varanasi provides them with the facade of Yoga practices and Sanskrit lessons.
Such paraphernalia includes chamber pipes, chillums, bongs, and glass, stone or ceramic pipes that are sold in so-called head shops, according to William T.
At the banks of the Ganges, holy men were seen smoking from 'chillums', or conical pipes.
The federal ban lists specific examples of drug paraphernalia, including "water pipes," "carburetion tubes" "smoking masks," "electric pipes,' "chillums," "chillers," "wired cigarette papers,' and "metal, wooden, acrylic, glass, stone, plastic or ceramic pipes with or without screens" But it includes an exception for any item "traditionally intended for use with tobacco products" In practice, then, the "objective" standard is often subjective, based on a prosecutor's idea of what drug paraphernalia looks like.
In Google searches for "bong," "vaporizer," and "chillum" (a funnel-shaped pipe), the top results are dominated by online head shops based in California, Canada, the U.K., and the Netherlands that also sell various other kinds of dry and wet pipes, screens, rolling papers, grinders, roach clips, scales, and stash containers.
The year was 1968, so we also made elaborate bongs and stash boxes and chillums and hollowed-out canes and chests with secret drawers.
Bhnglaced thandai , smoke from massive chillums, sdi roti and the music of chants are what made up everyone's fantastical evenings.
No other artisan in the country can apply coat on pipes other than us because of which our chillums (pipes) are in great demand.