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tetralobus (Wunsch 1979) the fused cercal lobe of the female.
Material examined.--PORTUGAL: Lisboa district, Montejunto massif, Cadaval municipality, Lamas e Cercal, Algar do Javali (39[degrees]12'36"N, 9[degrees]02'12"W; 380 m a.s.l.), 1 [female], 5 April 2009; 1 [female], 6 June 2009; 1 [female], 19 November 2009; 1 [male],3 [female],2 tritonymphs (DEUA), 24 December 2009; all them A.S.P.S.
Ponencia presentada al v Congreso Europeo CEISAL de latinoamericanistas, realizado entre el 11 y el 14 de abril en cercal [Centro de Estudios y de Promocion de las Relaciones entre los paises de la Union Europea y America Latina].
However, focus should be given as well to mountains of Ossa, Monfurado, Portel, Mendro, Grandola, Cercal, and Vigia, which appear to have a significant impact on the fog development, particularly in their limits definition.
Landmarks for measures were: body length: tip of fastigium verticis to tegmina extremity; pronotum length: disc in dorsal view midline distance cephalic margin to caudal; mesofurcal pits separation: distance in ventral view between furcal pit centres; metafemur length: distance from anterior coxotrochanteral articulation distad to femorotibial joint, excluding genicular lobes; ovipositor length: from ovipositor extremity to clasper sockets of female's subgenital plate, i.e., where the cercal teeth of the male engage during mating.
Placa cercal con apice simple, redondeado, cubierto de cerdas delgadas casi 1/4 la longitud de la placa (Figura 2); ventralmente con lobulo inferior casi encerrando el lobulo por completo, con margenes dentados hacia la parte distal (Figura 3).
marianica and Avenella stricta community, around Serra do Caldeirao, throughout Oudeloca and Seixe River basins, as well as in Brejeira, Carqueja, Sao Luis, Cercal and Grandola mountain ranges (Monchiquense district).
It unquestionably belongs to the calyptrate family Anthomyiidae because of the following combination of characters: (1) head holoptic in male, dichoptic in female; (2) female with a pair of crossed interfrontal setae; (3) lower calypter well developed; (4) tiny hair-like setulae present beneath tip of scutellum; (5) vein A1 extended to wing margin as a weak fold; (6) male surstyli and cerci united by vertical sclerotized connections immediately distal to lateral cercal apodemes; (7) spiracles VI and VII present in female abdomen.