References in classic literature ?
Belgium distinguished herself among the second-rate states by a grant of 513,000 francs-- about two centimes per head of her population.
On the door of the cabin was a sign, in French, to the effect that "One may here see a living chamois for fifty centimes." We did not invest; what we wanted was to see a dead one.
Confiding in the future of the Restoration, he finally placed his money on the Grand-Livre at the moment when the funds were at fifty-six francs and twenty-five centimes. Messieurs de Lenoncourt, de Navarreins, de Verneuil, de Fontaine, and La Billardiere, to whom he was known, he said, obtained for him, from the king's privy purse, a pension of three hundred francs, and sent him, moreover, the cross of Saint- Louis.
{sou = a small coin (5 centimes)--20 sous equal one franc}
Philip did not know anything about them, and she told him that from five to six every evening a model sat, from whom anyone who liked could go and draw at the cost of fifty centimes. They had a different model every day, and it was very good practice.
I have had to dispute such trifles as a few centimes in the hotel bill; and twice already, some sharp remarks have passed between the newly-married couple, in consequence of her ladyship's freedom in purchasing pretty tempting things at the shops in Paris.
I don't see why we should be treated like slaves because the government gives us four francs and sixty-five centimes a day."
Now there's no free and independent career in which, in the course of twelve years, a young man who has gone through the grammar-school, been vaccinated, is exempt from military service, and possesses all his faculties (I don't mean transcendent ones) can't amass a capital of forty-five thousand francs in centimes, which represents a permanent income equal to our salaries, which are, after all, precarious.
"For two centimes I'd come over there and drown you, you white beast!" I yelled.
By the regular shipyard charges it ought not to have been a centime over twenty-five hundred francs-"
[beaucoup moins que] Une enveloppe de 1283 milliards de centimes pour la realisation de ces etablissements scolaires, 52 milliards centimes pour les ecoles primaires, 22 milliards pour les CEM et plus de 25 milliards pour les lycees.
[beaucoup moins que]Les societes de distribution doivent introduire une nouvelle reduction des prix des hydrocarbures a la pompe[beaucoup plus grand que], a declare le ministre, ajoutant que [beaucoup moins que]le prix du gasoil devrait diminuer de 26 centimes, tandis que celui de l'essence devrait baisser de 19 centimes a partir du samedi 29 decembre[beaucoup plus grand que] les prix oscillent actuellement entre 8,50 le litre du gasoil contre moins de 10 dirhams pour l'essence.