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(ˌkærəˈɡɑːnə; ˌkærəˈɡeɪnə)
any of various shrubs and small trees with golden flowers of the genus Caragana and of the family Fabaceae, native to Asia and east Europe and widely planted in North America as windbreaks
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.caragana - any plant of the genus Caragana having even-pinnate leaves and mostly yellow flowers followed by seeds in a linear podcaragana - any plant of the genus Caragana having even-pinnate leaves and mostly yellow flowers followed by seeds in a linear pod
genus Caragana - large genus of Asiatic deciduous shrubs or small trees
Caragana arborescens, Siberian pea tree - large spiny shrub of eastern Asia having clusters of yellow flowers; often cultivated in shelterbelts and hedges
Caragana sinica, Chinese pea tree - shrub with dark-green glossy foliage and solitary pale yellow flowers; northern China
bush, shrub - a low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems
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References in periodicals archive ?
Cheng X, Huang M, Shao M (2009) A comparison of fine roots distribution and water consumption of mature Caragana korshinkii Kom grown in two soils of the semiarid region, China.
The subalpine shrubland and meadow type (3000-3556 m) is dominated by Salix cupularis, Caragana jubata and Kobresia spp.
Zhao, "Comparative study of three lignin fractions isolated from mild ball-milled Tamarix austromogoliac and Caragana sepium," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, vol.
They found that three species, namely; Artemisia ordosica, Caragana korshinskii and Hedysarum scoparium exhibited significantly different number of viable seeds in soils from differently aged stands.
Nitrogen-fixing trees--alders, caragana, and buffalo berry for example--can also help keep nitrogen in the soil of garden plots and smaller crop plots if used as a shelterbelt, and if their root systems are allowed to develop under the crop area.
Architectural plasticity and growth responses of Hippophae rhamnoides and Caragana intermedia seedlings to simulated water stress.
Growth of some [C.sub.3] plants such as Caragana microphylla, a leguminous shrub and Stipagrandis, a grass was stimulated by elevated C[O.sub.2] but the biomass of a [C.sub.4] grass, Cleistogenes squarrosa was not affected by this [7].
Results: The extract of Caragana sinica (Buc'hoz) Rehder was identified as the best candidate from our screening approach.
The commercial concentrate, hay and the three main herbages (thyme, licorice, and Caragana) covering more than 80% (thyme, about 30%; licorice, about 10%; Caragana, about 40%) of the land were sampled to analyze their chemical compositions.