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actual or potential ability to perform or withstand: a capacity for hard work
Not to be confused with:
ability – a general word for power, native or acquired, enabling one to do things well: an ability for math
faculty – a natural ability for a particular kind of action: a faculty for choosing the right friends
talent – native ability or aptitude in a special field: a talent for art or music
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


n. pl. ca·pac·i·ties
a. The ability to receive, hold, or absorb something: the storage capacity of a car's trunk.
b. The maximum amount that can be contained: a bin filled to capacity.
2. The power to learn or retain knowledge; mental ability.
a. The ability to do, make, or accomplish something; capability: a comedian's capacity for making people laugh.
b. The maximum or optimum amount that can be produced: factories operating below capacity.
4. The quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment: the capacity of elastic to be stretched.
5. The position in which one functions; role: in your capacity as sales manager.
6. Legal qualification or authority: the capacity to make an arrest.
7. Electricity Capacitance.
Filling a space with the most it can hold: a capacity crowd at the concert.

[Middle English capacite, from Old French, from Latin capācitās, from capāx, capāc-, spacious; see capacious.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -ties
1. the ability or power to contain, absorb, or hold
2. the amount that can be contained; volume: a capacity of six gallons.
a. the maximum amount something can contain or absorb (esp in the phrase filled to capacity)
b. (as modifier): a capacity crowd.
4. the ability to understand or learn; aptitude; capability: he has a great capacity for Greek.
5. the ability to do or produce (often in the phrase at capacity): the factory's output was not at capacity.
6. a specified position or function: he was employed in the capacity of manager.
7. (Units) a measure of the electrical output of a piece of apparatus such as a motor, generator, or accumulator
8. (Electronics) electronics a former name for capacitance
9. (Computer Science) computing
a. the number of words or characters that can be stored in a particular storage device
b. the range of numbers that can be processed in a register
10. (Computer Science) the bit rate that a communication channel or other system can carry
11. (Law) legal competence: the capacity to make a will.
[C15: from Old French capacite, from Latin capācitās, from capāx spacious, from capere to take]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kəˈpæs ɪ ti)

n., pl. -ties,
adj. n.
1. the ability to receive or contain: This hotel has a large capacity.
2. the maximum amount or number that can be received or contained; cubic contents; volume: a jug with a capacity of two quarts.
3. power of receiving impressions, knowledge, etc.; mental ability.
4. actual or potential ability to perform, yield, or withstand.
5. quality or state of being susceptible to a given treatment or action: Steel has a high capacity to withstand pressure.
6. position; function; role: to serve in an advisory capacity.
7. legal qualification.
b. maximum possible electrical output.
9. reaching maximum capacity: a capacity crowd.
[1375–1425; < Middle French < Latin capācitās <capāx capacious]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



Do not confuse ability with capability and capacity.

1. 'ability'

You often use ability to say that someone can do something well.

He had remarkable ability as a musician.
...the ability to bear hardship.
2. 'capability'

A person's capability is the amount of work they can do and how well they can do it.

...a job that was beyond the capability of one man.
...the director's ideas of the capability of the actor.
3. 'capacity'

If someone has a particular capacity, a capacity for something, or a capacity to do something, they have the qualities required to do it. Capacity is a more formal word than ability.

...their capacity for hard work.
...his capacity to see the other person's point of view.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.capacity - capability to perform or produce; "among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism"; "limited runway capacity"; "a great capacity for growth"
capability, capableness - the quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally; "he worked to the limits of his capability"
incapacity - lack of physical or natural qualifications
2.capacity - the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment; "the capability of a metal to be fused"
resistance - the capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agents; "these trees are widely planted because of their resistance to salt and smog"
susceptibility, susceptibleness - the state of being susceptible; easily affected
activity - (chemistry) the capacity of a substance to take part in a chemical reaction; "catalytic activity"
3.capacity - the amount that can be contained; "the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons"
volume - the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object; "the gas expanded to twice its original volume"
vital capacity - the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation (usually tested with a spirometer); used to determine the condition of lung tissue
4.capacity - the maximum production possible; "the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity"
production - (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale; "he introduced more efficient methods of production"
5.capacity - a specified function; "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"
role, function, office, part - the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group; "the function of a teacher"; "the government must do its part"; "play its role"
6.capacity - (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive; "the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes"
computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
indefinite quantity - an estimated quantity
formatted capacity - (computer science) the usable capacity of a disk drive; the amount of space that is left after the sector headings and boundary definitions and timing information have been added by formatting the disk
unformatted capacity - (computer science) the total number of bytes on a disk including the space that will be required to format it
7.capacity - an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored
electrical phenomenon - a physical phenomenon involving electricity
8.capacity - the power to learn or retain knowledgecapacity - the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior
ability, power - possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
prescience, prevision - the power to foresee the future
incapacity - lack of intellectual power
9.capacity - tolerance for alcohol; "he had drunk beyond his capacity"
tolerance - the power or capacity of an organism to tolerate unfavorable environmental conditions
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. ability, power, strength, facility, gift, intelligence, efficiency, genius, faculty, capability, forte, readiness, aptitude, aptness, competence or competency Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited.
2. size, room, range, space, volume, extent, dimensions, scope, magnitude, compass, amplitude an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 454 kg
3. function, position, role, post, appointment, province, sphere, service, office She was visiting in her official capacity as co-chairperson.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform:
2. The ability or power to seize or attain:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
سِعَه، إتِّساعصِفَه، مَكانَه، بِصِفَتِهِقُدْرَةقُدْرَه
getarúmtak; rÿmistaîa
khả năng


A. N
1. [of container etc] → capacidad f; (= seating capacity) → cabida f, aforo m (Aut) → cilindrada f; (= carrying capacity) → capacidad f de carga
what is the capacity of this hall?¿cuántos caben en esta sala?
filled to capacityal completo
2. (= position) → calidad f
in my capacity as Chairmanen mi calidad de presidente
in what capacity were you there?¿en calidad de qué estabas allí?
I've worked for them in various capacitieshe trabajado para ellos desempeñando distintas funciones
3. (= ability) → capacidad f
her capacitiessu capacidad or aptitud
her capacity for researchsu capacidad or aptitud para la investigación
to work at full capacity [machine, factory] → funcionar a pleno rendimiento
B. CPD capacity audience Nlleno m
there was a capacity audience in the theatrehubo un lleno en el teatro
capacity booking Nreserva f total
capacity crowd N = capacity audience
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[kəˈpæsɪti] n
[container] → capacité f, contenance f
[building] → capacité f; [lift, vehicle] → capacité f
filled to capacity → plein(e)
(= ability) → aptitude f
(= function) in his capacity as → en sa qualité de
in an advisory capacity → à titre consultatif
[factory] → rendement m
to work at full capacity → travailler à plein rendementcapacity audience n
They were hoping for a capacity audience → Ils espéraient faire salle comble.capacity crowd n
There was a capacity crowd → Il n'y avait plus une place de libre.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= cubic content etc)Fassungsvermögen nt, → (Raum)inhalt m; (= maximum output)Kapazität f; (= maximum weight)Höchstlast f; (Aut, = engine capacity) → Hubraum m; filled to capacityrandvoll; (hall)bis auf den letzten Platz besetzt; seating capacity of 400400 Sitzplätze; to work to capacityvoll ausgelastet sein; working at full capacityvoll ausgelastet; the Stones played to capacity audiencesdie Stones spielten vor ausverkauften Sälen
(= ability)Fähigkeit f; his capacity for learningseine Lern- or Aufnahmefähigkeit; he has a great capacity for worker kann sehr gut arbeiten; this work is within/beyond his capacityer ist zu dieser Arbeit fähig/nicht fähig
(= role, position)Eigenschaft f, → Funktion f; in my capacity as a doctor(in meiner Eigenschaft) als Arzt; speaking in his official capacity as mayor, he said …er sagte in seiner Eigenschaft als Bürgermeister; in a personal capacityals Privatperson; they refused to employ him in any capacity whatsoeversie lehnten es ab, ihn in irgendeiner Form zu beschäftigen
(= legal power)Befugnis f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (Elec, Phys) (of container) → capacità; (of lift) → capienza
seating capacity → capienza
filled to capacity → pieno/a zeppo/a
to work at full capacity (factory) → lavorare a pieno ritmo
b. (position) → posizione f, funzione f
in my capacity as chairman → nella mia veste di presidente, in qualità di presidente
in an advisory capacity → a titolo consultativo
in his official capacity → nell'esercizio delle sue funzioni
c. (ability) → capacità
this work is beyond my capacity → questo lavoro è al di là delle mie possibilità
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kəˈpӕsəti) plural caˈpacities noun
1. ability to hold, contain etc. This tank has a capacity of 300 gallons.
2. ability. his capacity for remembering facts.
3. position. in his capacity as a leader.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قُدْرَة kapacita kapacitet Kapazität χωρητικότητα capacidad kapasiteetti capacité kapacitet capacità 収容力 수용량 capaciteit kapasitet zdolność capacidade способность kapacitet ปริมาณสูงสุดที่รับได้ kapasite khả năng 容量
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. a capacidad;
vital ______ vital.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n (pl -ties) capacidad f; forced vital — capacidad vital forzada
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Another sort of quality is that in virtue of which, for example, we call men good boxers or runners, or healthy or sickly: in fact it includes all those terms which refer to inborn capacity or incapacity.
Geometrical Details.--Calculation of the Capacity of the Balloon.--The Double Receptacle.--The Covering.--The Car.--The Mysterious Apparatus.
It is evident that no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America; with the fundamental principles of the Revolution; or with that honorable determination which animates every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government.
Here I, for instance, quite naturally want to live, in order to satisfy all my capacities for life, and not simply my capacity for reasoning, that is, not simply one twentieth of my capacity for life.
You will see that the mysteries which the police discover are, almost without exception, mysteries made penetrable by the commonest capacity, through the extraordinary stupidity exhibited in the means taken to hide the crime.
Such cases are highly important, for they prove that the capacity in any two species to cross is often completely independent of their systematic affinity, or of any recognisable difference in their whole organisation.
These things are calculated according to a man's CAPACITY. One man may be capable of one thing, and another of another, and their several capacities are ordered by the Lord God himself.
Pierre was always astonished at Prince Andrew's calm manner of treating everybody, his extraordinary memory, his extensive reading (he had read everything, knew everything, and had an opinion about everything), but above all at his capacity for work and study.
Noel Vanstone, in the same housekeeping capacity which she filled with his father, and has accompanied him to the new residence in Vauxhall Walk.
For this reason I should be glad were fortune soon to offer me some opportunity of making myself an emperor, so as to show my heart in doing good to my friends, particularly to this poor Sancho Panza, my squire, who is the best fellow in the world; and I would gladly give him a county I have promised him this ever so long, only that I am afraid he has not the capacity to govern his realm."
Then the Lion took his stand in front of the carcass and pronounced judgment: The first quarter is for me in my capacity as King of Beasts; the second is mine as arbiter; another share comes to me for my part in the chase; and as for the fourth quarter, well, as for that, I should like to see which of you will dare to lay a paw upon it."
But how many writers have noticed those other incomprehensible persons, members of families innocent for generations past of practicing Art or caring for Art, who have notwithstanding displayed from their earliest years the irresistible desire to cultivate poetry, painting, or music; who have surmounted obstacles, and endured disappointments, in the single-hearted resolution to devote their lives to an intellectual pursuit--being absolutely without the capacity which proves the vocation, and justifies the sacrifice.

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