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A South African antelope (Damaliscus pygargus subsp. pygargus syn. D. dorcas subsp. dorcas) having a dark reddish coat, curved horns, a white rump, and a white mark on the face.

[Afrikaans : bont, spotted (from Middle Dutch, probably from Latin pūnctus; see point) + bok, buck (from Middle Dutch boc).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n, pl -boks or -bok
(Animals) an antelope, Damaliscus pygargus (or dorcas), of southern Africa, having a deep reddish-brown coat with a white blaze, tail, and rump patch
[C18: Afrikaans, from bont pied + bok buck1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It was a Bontebok, a South African endemic and one of the rarest herbivores on the planet and way, way up on my South Africa wish list.
The tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus), whose common name is derived from the Tswana "tshesebe ", is most closely related to the topi and the bontebok, which are classified in the same genus.
In addition to whale watching in this World Heritage Site, you can enjoy guided marine walks and hiking trails through 36,000 hectares of rare fynbos vegetation or hop on a bicycle or quad bike and get up close to antelope like bontebok and eland, as well as zebra, baboons and ostriches.
Bontebok National Park, 34[degrees]04'S 20[degrees]28'E], 2-3.i.1993, Koch (ZMHB); 1 [female] Kommetjie, hill overlooking town, 34[degrees]08'S 18[degrees]19'E, 13.xii.1988, Londt, macchia sandy ground & rocks; 2 [female] Mossel Bay [34[degrees]11'S 22[degrees]08'E], 1.xii.1938, Turner (BMNH); 1 [male] 'Capland, Bergius', 2228 [?] (ZMHB, with red 'Typus' label).
This has happened with tsessebe, giraffe, bontebok, black wildebeest, eland, and even to a limited extent, lions (although there are different policy dynamics to consider).
To update you on what wild animals cost these days: 18 Cape buffalo fetched just over R2m (each fitted with health and identification microchips), 18 mountain zebras were sold for R270,000, 46 bontebok went for R71,000 and a young rhino bull was knocked down to R140,000.
Spread out below us, on a distant plain, where scattered herds of springbuck, blue and black wildebeest, red hartebeest, zebra, blesbok, and bontebok, all as wild as the wind.
Observations on social organization of springbok, Antidorcos marsupialis, in the Bontebok National Park, Swellendam.
The protected areas of the Cape Mediterranean region include, on the one hand, the Bontebok National Park with coastal renosterveld, the basin of the Groot Swartberg, the Tsitsikamma Coast National Park, and the De Hoop Natural Reserve, which represent, if only partially, the Cape fynbos; and, on the other hand, the Storms River National Reserve (within the Tsitsikamma National Park), the Goendal Natural Area, the basin of the Groot Winterhoek, and the basin of the Hawequas, which represent areas with "false" karoo (areas formerly covered with grassland but now transformed through grazing pressures to a karroid shrubland).
Other species with a narrow range, such as the bontebok and Cape mountain zebra, survived largely on the land of a few conservation-minded farmers.