References in classic literature ?
For the cabin, raw bonita native style, turtle soup, omelette a la Samoset--"
Rice, and curry, yam, taro, bonita, of course, a big cake Toyama is making, young pig--"
He was lonely, that was what was the matter with him; that was why he had snapped at the invitation as a bonita strikes at a white rag on a hook.
Had he passed into the darkness for ever into which the beast passed, into which passed the speared crocodile, the hooked bonita, the netted mullet, the slain pig that was fat to eat?
We scattered like flying fish before the bonita, and there were so many of us that we escaped by thousands, this way and that, to the islands on the rim of the atoll.
is pleased to announce that Attorneys John Spear and James Kerr have joined the firm's Bonita Springs Office.
Bonita Best says 'it would mean everything' to track down her sibling, who would now be 30 years old.
HEAVILY pregnant Bonita Baxter, rushed to hospital in an ambulance, was forced to sit on a freezing A&E floor for FOUR HOURS despite repeated pleas for a seat.
M2 EQUITYBITES-April 16, 2018-Northern Trust names managing director of Bonita Springs office
BANKING AND CREDIT NEWS-April 16, 2018-Northern Trust names managing director of Bonita Springs office