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Ayin further emphasised the importance of showing customers consideration - along with standing out against competition - as the crucial elements to maximising peak season sales.
Victor Ochen, founder and executive director of the African Youth Initiative Network (AYIN), Uganda, who was part of the panel discussion on 'Responsibility of educational institutions in ingraining qualities of tolerance in today's youth', said he preferred to differentiate between "educational institutions" and a "learning environment", given the conditions in his own country.
The transformation of "yesh" to "ayin" in order to be one with God requires an annihilation of corporality, a detachment of the "I" from its attachment to this world in its corporal manifestation.
N = aeon/eon ain aine ainee aini ainoi an ana an'a ane ani anoa anoia anu/anyu any aune ayin 'ayn ean een e'en [dagger] eena/[dagger]eenee/[section]eenie/[dagger][section]eeny/[dagger]eny eina eine en ene eoan [section]eunoea/[section]eunoia eyen/eyne in inia ion 'n/'n' na/nae naio nao naoi nay ne ne/nee/nee nie no noa noo noy nu ny nye on one onie ono ony oon un unai/unau uni.
However, the word bara is generally understood to be used in the Creation account to denote creatio ex nihilo, creating something from nothing (yesh me 'ayin).
Des chansons qui ont fait la renommee des deux artistes ont ete reprises par la chanteuse Tinhinane, a l'instar de [beaucoup moins que] Ayin azizen [beaucoup plus grand que] de Chikha Djida et [beaucoup moins que] Chadha [beaucoup plus grand que] du chanteur Sofiane qui evoque la nostalgie du pays et les souffrances de l'immigration.
[USPRwire, Fri Apr 08 2016] Mexico Ayin Project Panorama, GlobalData's latest release, presents a comprehensive overview of the asset.
Ucuncu ayin sonunda on ve arka segmentlerde reaksiyon mevcut degildi fakat sol gozde optik disk soluk idi ve hastanin EIDGK'sinde bir artis olmadi.
But fifty years distant from Baghdad have made their mark on me, too; my mother forgot or chose to forget her language, our language, when placed in a Hebrew school and made to soften her guttural, that is, Arabic-sounding pronunciation of the Hebrew letters ayin and khet.
He leaves six sons, Rabbi Stephen Franklin and his wife, Karen of Yonkers, New York, Michael Franklin of Northborough, with whom he lived since 2011, Homer Sewell of Georgia, Barry Ferency, Gershon Ferency of Bat Ayin, Israel, Stuart Ferency and his wife, Susan of Hull, MA; a daughter, Anne, wife of Milton Teguis of Kennebunk, Maine and Estero, FL; two brothers, Jack Franklin of Dalton, MA, and Maurie Franklin of Miami Beach, FL; 22 grandchildren, and many great-grandchildren.
Koko Idriss of the SPLM-N said in a video recording broadcasted by Ayin network that their forces repelled the second phase of the Decisive Summer campaign launched by the Sudanese army, underscoring that they continue to control over Dalouka area.