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(Atomic Physics) a variant form of atomic2
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and Illustration of the now famous Atomical Hypothesis (London: Printed
Although repetition is effective in most cases,10 repeated injections in the same area may lead to post injection pain and trismus, and may encounter an- atomical variations in nerve course.
As well as being symptomatic, CG lesions may affect the upper urinary tract by making neuroan atomical changes in the bladder.
An ATOMICAL GIFT ACT [section] 9(a) (2006) (specifying classes and corresponding priority of appropriate donors, absent decedent's prior gift consent or refusal).
So be aware: Such incredible things happen in moments that allow us, sciencally and technologically, to research and regulate the most complex terrestrial phenomena, to "scan" all the secrets of the planet on which we live, human genetics, the cosmic universe beyond our planet, quantum and atomical physics and many other vast and highly complex areas.
In the 1670s, the Cambridge Platonist Ralph Cudworth hinted at the slipperiness and variability of atomism when he characterized deterministic materialism as based on a theory "called by some Atomical or Corpuscular, by others Mechanical." Lucretius never uses the straightforward transliteration atomi, a decision in line with the usual Roman preference for purity of literary diction.
Therefore, a careful study of their nature is required, involving an atomical, ontogenetic, and--if possible--genetic investigations.