References in classic literature ?
Of the many verses from time to time ascribed to the pen of Edgar Poe, and not included among his known writings, the lines entitled "Alone" have the chief claim to our notice.
They were at once ascribed to Poe, and in order to satisfy questioners, an editorial paragraph subsequently appeared saying they were by "A.
Such then is the proper answer to that censure: for it must be admitted, that in some cases nothing can prevent music being attended, to a certain degree, with the bad effects which are ascribed to it; it is therefore clear that the learning of it should never prevent the business of riper years; nor render the body effeminate, and unfit for the business of war or the state; but it should be practised by the young, judged of by the old.
It seemed to me a little ungracious to decline an invitation of that sort, and I ascribed his refusal to lack of money.
Without interruptions of this kind, the best narrative of plain matter of fact must overpower every reader; for nothing but the ever lasting watchfulness, which Homer has ascribed only to Jove himself, can be proof against a newspaper of many volumes.
A stirring noise within its cylinder he ascribed to the unequal cooling of its surface; for at that time it had not occurred to him that it might be hollow.
All of these larger pi-pis--like that of the Hoolah Hoolah ground in the Typee valley--bore incontestible marks of great age; and I am disposed to believe that their erection may be ascribed to the same race of men who were the builders of the still more ancient remains I have just described.
Adesina, in the statement titled 'Beware of Fake Statements Ascribed to President Buhari,' claimed that some statements credited to the president on social media were false.
The higher revenues can mainly be ascribed to the positive situation on the labour market and growing household consumption."Legislative changes to produce a gradual exemption for 13th and 14th salaries from taxes and levies will have a negative impact on incomes," IFP added, as quoted by TASR.
Various reasons are being ascribed to PTI's failure.
A considerable portion of Banagas company profits is ascribed to Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco).
While they seem to ascribe small hippocampal volumes to variability in anatomic brain development, it may be that in older individuals, this is more appropriately ascribed to variability in non-Alzheimer's disease pathologies, resistance to age-related neurodegeneration, or both--all of which should have slow rates of atrophy.