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adv.1.Oddly; grotesquely.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Following the indications of Corax's 'paper plot', Pelias enters with 'a crown of feathers on, anticly rich' to impersonate 'rabies' and, as part of his role, he displays his power --madness--condemning anyone that dare mention the word 'water' and demanding: 'Break all the glasses, I will not see my horns.
(43) The previous year an 'antimasque of boys', 'most anticly attired', had represented 'the Sports, and pretty Lightnesses, that accompany Love' in Jonson's masque for Lord Haddington's marriage.
twelve boys most anticly attired, that represented the sports and pretty lightnesses that accompany Love ...