

1. obsolete in a physical manner or from the point of view of the anima
2. in a physical or animal rather than cerebral manner
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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* a cooperative game animal that is not on the move and providing you with as close to a broadside as "animally possible,"
The only principle that controlled us was the instinct to live, animally; to eat, (if we could get it,) when we were hungry, and to lie down and sleep wherever weariness overtook us.
This partial tuition scholarship is awarded animally to a deserving nursing student attending Gadsden State Cherokee.
In Hahn's analysis--which this paper finds has stood the test of time--financial markets are neither perfectly efficient, nor animally spirited, but eventually adjusting.
More importantly, for the belief that p to constitute animal knowledge, it is not necessary that I (either animally or reflectively) know that it is unlikely that p is false --nor is it necessary that I know that I am awake and not dreaming.
Jagdeo invited an international management-consulting firm to calculate that figure, which turned out to be about US$580 million animally, a relative bargain for carbon storage services in the global marketplace.
With 64 percent of Americans overweight, and obesity-related health care costs approaching $117 billion animally, calls to shape up and eat right might be warranted if they didn't obscure the fact that not everyone has access to the produce aisle.
New Zealand ministers sit on the various Australian Commonwealth/State ministerial councils, giving them unique access to aspects of Australia's domestic policy-making; many Commonwealth department heads meet at least animally with their New Zealand counterparts; other officials having more frequent contact.