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(in Britain) a trade union representing workers in manufacturing industries, now part of Unite
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The second sort is of those, that engage courts in quarrels of jurisdiction, and are not truly amici curiae, but parasiti curiae, in puffing a court up beyond her bounds, for their own scraps and advantage.
(3) The precise method will involve an investigation of the nature of the arguments made by the various amici parties on both sides, with a focus on both doctrinal and policy matters.
The Great American Food Chain Inc (Pink Sheets: GAMN), a US-based restaurant holding company, has announced acquiring a majority stake in US-based Amici Restaurants.
(36) First used at common law primarily for oral "Shepardizing," amicus filers also called attention to "manifest error, to the death of a party to the proceeding, and to existing appropriate statutes." (37) For example, in Prince's Case, (38) two amici alerted the court to a provision in the Act of Parliament which they thought helpful to the decision of the case.
represented Amici 36; Newmark represented Digital C Lab; New York Space represented VitalDent, and PRD Corp.
"I've been to Newcastle before, with Opera North, and while I enjoyed being in a big company, I am relishing being one of just five with Amici Forever."
(11) Amicus briefs on the merits are due on the date on which the brief for the party that amici are supporting is due.
The misnomer is conventionally understood to be a vestige of a time when amici actually did render disinterested advice, for the purpose of helping the court rather than one of the parties.
In addition, Global Amici has expanded its candleholder line to include glass pieces to coordinate with, or sold as stand-alone items, to its candle line.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Amici Curiae is plural for Amicus Curiae which literally means 'friend of the court'.
That the parties themselves usually don't present the broad framing amici often do is neither surprising nor problematic.