References in classic literature ?
For three years and a half of my life I had had all the liberty I could wish for; but now, week after week, month after month, and no doubt year after year, I must stand up in a stable night and day except when I am wanted, and then I must be just as steady and quiet as any old horse who has worked twenty years.
He was a shy, quiet, dark person, with a pale, closely-shav en face, agreeably animated by large black eyes, set deep in their orbits.
Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet, I tell you!..." she almost screamed, so as to drown his voice.
Pete, in a white jacket, was behind the bar bending expectantly toward a quiet stranger.
As he passed the door of a cottage built in the forest, he heard a Mother say to her child, "Be quiet, or I will throw you out of the window, and the Wolf shall eat you." The Wolf sat all day waiting at the door.
Presently Tarzan stood before Kaviri, the old quiet smile upon his lips.
"'Times, ver' quiet, ver' soft, like summer night, but when she mad she blaze."
Our quiet life here maddens me; I can bear it no longer; I must go.
He spent the first forty years of his life in acquiring knowledge, but having failed to obtain his doctor's degree, he returned to the quiet hills of his native province and dedicated his remaining years to composition.
At eighteen, Miss Murray was to emerge from the quiet obscurity of the schoolroom into the full blaze of the fashionable world--as much of it, at least, as could be had out of London; for her papa could not be persuaded to leave his rural pleasures and pursuits, even for a few weeks' residence in town.
She longed for her cats, but would not have them brought, lest they should get sick, and in her quiet hours she was full of anxiety about Jo.
I declare he quite tormented us all, and when he was quiet at last, out he went into the bit of back garden, picking trumpery little nosegays, and asking me to take them upstairs and make the sick-room look pretty with them.